About Us
Our mission at LiquidationMap.com is to help independent entrepreneurs chase their dreams by making sourcing and online selling cheaper and easier than ever before. There are hundreds, even thousands of seller and merchandiser lists which are closed to the public, and make you pay a monthly fee to access lists of wholesalers, liquidators, pallet sellers, auction houses, and more.
We think you deserve better.
Years of work and love have gone into this passion project, which cuts out the fluff and gives you access to an up-to-date list of potential suppliers. No gimmicks. No catch. But our automated updates can only do so much. We value contributions to the project. If you know that a listing is incorrect, or if you’ve had a bad experience and think that an unreputable provider has made their way onto this map, please head over to our contact form to let us know. Responses may be slower on weekends but we’ll try to get back with you ASAP.
We have some chat rules.
We’re so excited to have you here and can’t wait to be apart of your Wholesale and Liquidation experience. Weather your new or seasoned in the industry, our platform is here to help.
Some guidelines below we are holding all members to:
1. Please be aware of potential spam or scams and take your personal info and security seriously. Sadly there are Bad actors and profiles across social media with malicious intent. If you ever get a random DM from someone from this server, or any other platform, be very cautious with any information you share! Our team will never reach out to you asking for your personal info and security or to send us money.
2. Positive vibes only,
3. Be respectful and kind
4. We understand issues arise in this industry and we want to support the ability for people to share there experience good and bad but please be professional. Every business has complaints at one point or another. The complaint is important so people can be informed but what’s more important is how the business handles the complaint. This is where LSM wants to help the good suppliers stand out, and help them be rewarded for providing good business practices and integrity to there customers..
7. Do not send unsolicited messages to members. If receive unsolicited messages, please let admins or mods know.
If you have any questions, please message any admins or mods - we’re happy to support!